21 Nov 2020

62 students showcased their summer placement projects through online presentations and posters to employers, academic tutors and peers at SEPnet's 12th Expo and the first online.
Students described a range of varied and exciting projects with large and small employers across different industries and research areas including data science, engineering, energy, IT, satellite communication, defence and scientific research.
The event was chaired by Professor Sir William Wakeham and the keynote address was delivered by Dr Bajram Zeqiri, NPL Fellow in Ultrasound at National Physical Laboratory.
The IOP generously provided prizes for the 6 best posters. The winners included:
Katarzyna Nowak of University of Hertfordshire for 'A bump in the outskirts of the Milky Way's most massive satellite' at University of Surrey;
Reiss Pickett, Open University & Megan Stevens, University of Southampton for 'Classifying Conversations Using Voice To Text Technology' at Trackback;
Sofia Kalamantianou, Queen Mary University and Dragos Buculei & Billy Vale, University of Surrey for 'Live Satellite Tracking and Orbit Pass Prediction' at Lumi Space;
Abigail Hemming, Royal Holloway University for 'Control and Automation of a Compact Fusion Reactor' at Crossfield Fusion Ltd;
Tomoyuki Jinno, Royal Holloway University for 'Named Entity Recognition for Resumes' at MeVitae and
Sai Pandian, University of Southampton for 'Machine Learning for Long Term Event Classification' at AP Sensing.
You can view the gallery of posters here: https://sway.office.com/tvy2DpRlk7DMyeMc
For more information about next year's summer placement scheme email summerplacements@sepnet.ac.uk